
Socrates, a self-awareness pioneer.

Georgios Michael
3 min readJun 22, 2024

The person who was considered the wisest by the oracles of Ancient Greece.

The Death of Socrates, by Jacques-Louis David (1787)

Self-awareness represents the core of Socrates’ philosophy and ethical beliefs. Humans transition from exploring the external world and nature to introspecting their souls and minds.

Socrates was a leading figure in the history of Western philosophy. He was self-taught, did not teach systematically or establish a school, and did not receive money. He is the first philosopher who dealt systematically with ethics, trying to examine how we should live.

He proposed an ideal of a philosopher devoted to cultivating the soul and constant self-control. With him, philosophy turns to studying human beings and becomes anthropocentric.

Socrates taught through dialogue. The philosophical method he used was debate, a way of discussing a topic with questions and answers based on the exchange of short words, definitions, and arguments, and aimed at formulating general positions. Socratic dialectic was a method of scrutiny by which he examined others on moral and political issues. It aimed not only at the discovery of the truth but also at the investigation of the various problems (ethical, political, social) and at the education of the interlocutors. The discussions took place in the Athens…

