
“Embrace the profound unity of the Cosmos.”

Georgios Michael
2 min readJun 5, 2024

Search for that one universal pattern.

True-scale Solar System diagram made by Emanuel Bowen in 1747

“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…”

Hermes Trismegistus

Imagine if we were to draw a parallel between our existence as human beings and the celestial objects. What fascinating insights could we uncover?

What holds true in the vast expanse of the sky and space is mirrored here on Earth.

“As above, so below,” says the principle of Correspondence, one of the seven universal laws of the Hermetic teachings.

There is always this proportion and sequence within the Laws for the phenomena of the various states of Being and life. The solar system is reflected in the person. The Macrocosm of the Universe mirrors the Microcosm of Man, and whoever knows one accordingly knows the other. It is associated with the acquisition of Wisdom between Comparison and Knowledge of “Below” and “Above.”

Contemplate the Earth not merely as a passive entity but one that is influenced by the gravitational pull of the moon, the sun, and the light they emit, reflected and direct. Just as the orbits of all planets and satellites and the very existence of the solar system are interdependent, so are our human…

